The experience of alchemical laboratory through feminine sensitivity Fontana Editore

The experience of alchemical laboratory through feminine sensitivity

Maria Rita Toschi

The Enchantment is not only wonder, yet it embraces it: to watch the sky, eyes wide open, being lost in it, grasping its intimate power and immerse yourself in it in an embrace full of surrender.

See cathedrals in the open sky, feel the life of a vision while is happening, the harmony, the power, the intertwining of Sacred Geometries.

Hear the wind roaring through the mountain tops, let it resonate within us, then let go into the Silence: no resistances, no barriers anymore.

Surrender to Life, beyond space, beyond time... beyond, beyond, beyond... where all the manifold manifestations simply disappear becoming Silence.

What a suspension! It is holding the breath to be, for a single moment, in the stillness that contains death. Go beyond the limit. Just be. Only Consciousness. Devoid of vestments.

Why return? And where? To do what? What is reality?

The mind is rarefied, suspended in the silence. In this void there is a stillness full of Life.

The experience of alchemical laboratory through feminine sensitivity


In that enchantment, breath resumes, slow, deep. Light bellows supporting the rhythm of the Whole.

Only one Law, Beauty.

I open my eyes and the endless spaces disappear. Everything resumes limit and form, we have fallen back in the spacextime-duration.


What is the link between the two dimensions? Is there a link?

The experience of alchemical laboratory through feminine sensitivity


Yes, it burns, it’s inside me.

Yes, it burns, it is outside me.

I breathe it.

is it Fire? Yes. Is it Light? Yes.

It is the Fire-Light containing the four elements.

How can I see it, how can I see/understand? Yet everything is right before our eyes, and speaks to us: the Book of Nature does not lie. It is an ongoing dialogue. It is empathy.

Which language are we using? Theurgy? Art? Alchemy?

The Ars Regia, the Royal Art is one of the possible languages already spoken by Nature.

Quick images follow one another in the mind: solar systems, nebulae, atoms, molecules, cells... The void does not exist because the interstellar spaces, the superior waters and the inferior ones, as well as the intercellular spaces are all matching and corresponding

Hermes Trismegistus in the Emerald Tablet makes sense of any correspondence.

What about the Prima Materia? It is everywhere! Energy that thickens/coagulates, and becomes matter.

The thought gives shape.

Where does the energy ends, where the matter starts?

The experience of alchemical laboratory through feminine sensitivity


They taught me that if I catch/capture the sunlight with a lens I will get a very light veil, an impalpable substance crystallized and crystallizing: pure Celestial Salt. The First Salt, the most “Proxima” of the substances. That Nitro, the same Nitro that I find in the fog, in the dew. Mystery.

Wonder! Enchantment.

The Nitro is at the centre of the cross in the Monad of John Dee and is the fertilising power inside the elements, it is the seminal power that is also at the centre of the Sun’s circle. The horizontal axis of the cross is the crystallisation.

The entire symbol of the hieroglyphic Monad represents an igneous Mercury where the ram’s horns, down below, are planted, or are sprouting, in the ground. Above, the moon of the “bull”s horns works like a receiving radar, and also a transmitting antenna.

The system of the elements cannot be intellectually separated from the world: everywhere around us there is an eternal dynamic process that brings the Elementing Light allowing the dynamic elements – Fire and Air - to influence Water and Earth.

The experience of alchemical laboratory through feminine sensitivity


At first I could hardly believe it and could not understand.

Then I realized that the crystallization expresses itself through volume and geometry, which is form within space and time.

I stop. I take a breath. This fire is too powerful. I relax in this contemplation. I stop so I can contemplate the trees and the green hills. There, I am in the middle of it.

The mind is like a calm lake. I let myself experience Nature, no more questions.

I am quiet.

I have picked the rosemary in bloom. I have caressed it with familiarity and friendliness, I have inhaled deeply its freshness and its strongly fragrant vigour.

I thanked the rosemary in bloom for its vitality and asked to give it to me as a gift. I donated this deep joy to Mother Earth in a single harmonious thought so that every being can enjoy it. In peace.

For few days I left the rosemary in alcohol, which has taken its essence, the mercurial spirit plus the sulphuric soul of the rosemary. While I smell its intense perfume, I go back in my mind to that bush, to the air and sun, I enjoy its beauty and the intimate effect inside me. I am all this.

I ignite the rosemary.

Patience and attention. Rosemary is generous to me but requires patience.

The rosemary turns into embers the needles are burnt to ashes.

I control the flame.

I watch and wait.

I follow the rosemary carefully conversing with it, to understand what it needs for its transformation.

While it goes through its transformation I go through mine, and let go of what I do not need.

Here is the white ash.

Impalpable salt.

The rosemary gave me the gift of its own self, of its life, of its profound memory, of its essence.

I am happy. I am thankful.

I add the ash to the liquid.


Here it is the “farmacon”.

Splendid enchantment.

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