Giada Dispensa il mondo della Neurodiversità

Giada Dispensa

Fontana Editore

Giada Dispensa, born and raised in the countryside of Lower Piedmont, after completing her studies in Architecture, following an illness that traditional medicine could not cure, suddenly changes course, starting to approach the bio-natural disciplines and the psychosomatics of disorders; by self-treating, she finally manages to improve.

In 2021, he graduated with honors from the Higher School of Naturopathy in Genoa, and specialized in Iridological analysis and applied Floritherapy .

At the same time, in these years, he approached and deepened the world of Neurodiversity , attending the " Exago - Le voci dell'Autismo " Center in Paderna, among the Tortona hills.

His research is ongoing and aims to improve the quality of life of people, especially autistic people and their families, through the help of Nature, with gentle, individualized and respectful approaches.

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