Nicoletta Geniola
Fontana EditoreSpiritual Educator at the service of the awakening of the consciousness of human beings, to help and accompany them in their path of Spiritual growth and in the process of emotional healing. Recognized for her contributions in the field of the evolution of human awareness, she is a Holistic Counselor of the educational relationship and Yoga Teacher for adults and children. She proposes a new pedagogical concept that makes this educational discipline a true Initiatory and Transformative Science, at the service of a New Humanity, more just and more authentic.
The Author defines herself as an Initiate, for having experienced and lived different experiences that have brought out all her Spiritual qualities: qualities innate in every Human Being, but dormant.
She has always dedicated herself to the study of Esoteric Sciences, embracing a different vision of life. A creative researcher who has experimented and developed the practice of presence as a communicative-relational modality with the other, understood as part of oneself.
Graduated in Psycho-Pedagogical Sciences, she has worked in contact with parents and children, in the field of family support and counseling in situations of social and educational hardship. Graduated in Primary Education Sciences, she combines her background of philosophical and pedagogical knowledge, a new and original cognitive approach that starts from self-knowledge, as an indispensable key to open up to the real knowledge of the other and help him in his process of spiritual and personal growth.
On her journey Nicoletta received the love of several Masters who helped her to free herself from the narrow limits of human knowledge to reach a more authentic and broader awareness of herself.
During his formative experience in the Martial Arts school, the encounter with Alchemy marks a further step in his path of spiritual growth, becoming a fundamental prerogative of his existence. Every experience is a transformation in itself, but above all a teaching and a change.
A series of synchronicities lead her to ascertain the existence of a Cosmic Intelligence, magical and at the same time real: the Author learns about Bio-quantum, a true Science of Life, through which she understands her real spiritual journey, which pushes her to approach the practical-theoretical study of this discipline, and to perfect her relationships through the energetic language of the heart.
The author defines “The pedagogy of the real child” as “The Zero point”. An essay book, specifically created for all those readers who want to re-cognize the truth and beauty of their own Being and transfer it to others. A book for parents aware of their educational role and of the power that they themselves have at their disposal to recreate a New Humanity.
The aim of her work is to help awaken that part of humanity that is sensitive to the call of spirituality. She envisions the coming of a society based on brotherhood, unconditional love and respect for Life. A society where what was sacred will become sacred again.