Anthony Boniface
Fontana EditoreAntonio Bonifacio was born in Rome in 1950, the city where he has always lived and worked. About twenty-five years ago he began to write, articles and books, on themes inherent to universal religious symbolism , thus putting to good use intense decades of study on various spiritual themes.
Apart from the conspicuous and uninterrupted production of “short” works (around 200 articles and short essays also available on the internet), the themes that have taken on book form are related to the various issues addressed over the years.
The author has dedicated the essays The Cosmic Cave , The Solar Doors - in two volumes - and The Peoples of the Big Dipper to Egyptian wisdom, and to prehistoric and ethnic rock art, read in the light of shamanism.
In addition to this, the interest in the contents of ethnic cultures, now almost transformed by globalization, and in their heritage of wisdom, still preserved, have pushed the author to write a text dedicated to the natives of North America The Red Man and Tradition and a writing that reconnects the Dogon culture of Western Sudan to the Egyptian tradition, entitled, The Dogon Masks and Souls Towards the Stars . Naturally, universal symbolism finds one of its most eloquent expressions in "sacred geometry" and in the artefacts that descend from it, first and foremost, sacred architecture. For this reason, two works were born: Stone Organisms from Egypt to Cathedrals and Circular Architectures between Time and Eternity . All this is accompanied by two volumes: one dedicated to the theme of the soul after death and its struggle to reach its "natural" home, entitled Beyond the Threshold , while the other, entitled The Transfiguration of the Earth , is entirely dedicated to the work of "spiritual Renaissance", achievable through the reinterpreted teachings of "gnosis", which Henry Corbin himself brought up to date in our days, thus providing a spiritual toolkit suitable for the angelic re-understanding of reality.
It is precisely from the themes proposed by this last author that an interpretative attempt was born of a recent "natural" phenomenon, on which much ink has been spilled, and which is condensed in a text entitled: The voice of Gaia, the runes of the angel , the cosmic language of crop circles.
In addition, the author's bibliography includes three collective volumes dedicated to various themes: Pre-Raphaelite painting, prehistoric lunar calendars and other scattered themes of spiritual symbolism.
The latest work, in preparation, is dedicated to Essene Christianity and is developed in the light of recent research and discoveries on the subject.
Over the years, the non-fiction production was interspersed with narrative, evidently inspired by the former and from which the following novels were born, in order: Shadows at Midnight , Spirals , Journey to the End of Time and Melting Snow .
Antonio Bonifacio occasionally performs speaker activity at conferences on topics dedicated to the subjects described.