Ecologia umana: la base della relazione consapevole Fontana Editore

Human Ecology: The Basis of Conscious Relationship

Nicoletta Geniola

From the conscious relationship with ourselves and with the environment that surrounds us, not only depends the quality of our life, but also of those who interact with us. As we all know, man is himself an "Environment", an informed space within which Life moves.

Hence the need to go deeper into our concept of ecology and environment, to rediscover the real essence of what surrounds us and understand that it is only apparently located outside of us. We have always looked at the environment as something external to us, distant and different, this perception of "reality" has pushed man to terrible disasters that have threatened and put at risk the life of the entire Planet. This has happened because man has assimilated that sense of separation that gives him the illusion of being able to escape such disasters.

What happens outside is nothing but the projection of what happens inside and of which most of the time we are unaware, since we prefer to stay on the surface and observe the light rather than let it manifest in our depths. Both the conscious relationship with others and the one with the external environment depends on how we relate to ourselves. Others treat us as we treat ourselves. If we do not allow ourselves to be happy, free, to love ourselves as we are, we attract to us those experiences and situations, which depending on our ability to recognize them, can be more or less painful. Pain is lead that turns into gold to make room for the light. We do not realize it, and this is precisely the problem, but inside each of us lives a judge always ready to judge everything we do. If we are slaves to this "inner judge" rather than allies of the heart, we cannot be surprised when we find ourselves experiencing situations on the outside that in one way or another remind us how little love, understanding and kindness we have towards ourselves. How many deprivations do we unconsciously impose on ourselves that are then reflected on the outside? Think about it.

If we were truly the “masters” of our home we would have more respect for it, and when you have respect for yourself, you have respect for everything.

Human ecology moves in the direction of awareness of respect for the nature of man which is both human and divine, such awareness pushes the individual towards a broader understanding of himself and of the other, a new awareness of his own identity. The other becomes a part of himself and at the same time a part of the whole. The need of human ecology is a greater attention to preserving beauty . Only by changing within ourselves and reawakening spiritual qualities such as kindness, listening, unconditional love and presence, can we change the outside world!

Entering into a relationship means modifying part of the environment and being modified in turn, for this reason it is essential today more than ever to be aware of what we choose to "emanate" through our energy and transmit through our emotions, thoughts, words and actions.

We must choose our thoughts, words and behaviors carefully, both towards ourselves and towards others, even more so when the other is a child. This is an important aspect to preserve the well-being of the other but also and above all of ourselves since we receive what we give both consciously and unconsciously.

Courage! You just have to look inside yourself, beauty is there and waiting to be discovered! This beauty cannot manifest itself if we do not also accept the most “human” part of us and do not commit ourselves to educating it in such a way as to bring out its divine potential.

Such acceptance is an indication of self-healing. When we heal ourselves, we return to the one. Re-embracing a unitary dimension within ourselves allows us to develop that reverential sense of respect for life in all its manifestations.

Respecting life means healing the relationship with the divine within and outside of oneself, it means experiencing deep love.

“Our duty is to take part in life and to care for it. Reverential respect for all forms of life is the most important commandment in its most elementary form.” Albert Shweitzer

The path of insensitivity, indifference, ignorance is paved with many small events, numerous unconscious happenings that anesthetize our ability to understand its weight, depriving us of our true intelligence and that high sense of living that should distinguish a "Human Being". We must start from small things, from daily dynamics, to arrive at a broader consciousness that allows us to embrace with eyes, mind and heart the complex interactive reality of which we are part.

Thought is energy that creates what we call reality, so be careful to have beautiful and clean thoughts towards yourself, what you unconsciously think of yourself is what creates your reality. Maybe what your conscious mind thinks of you does not always coincide with the thought of the unconscious mind which is the result of thought forms passed down to you by your parents and that you unconsciously transfer to your children. Thought forms have harmful consequences on the evolutionary development of an individual. The greatest risk is that of losing one's identity and authenticity capable of making us perceive life in all its fullness and beauty.

We are now facing a crucial turning point: to continue to evolve and overcome the survival instinct we must open ourselves to life with a leap in quality, leaving behind a materialistic and limited vision of life and the world, to open ourselves to a broader dimension.

After all, it is the only way to truly face the emergencies of our contemporary world, guaranteeing our children a better world. Man as a human being in this dimension possesses an intelligence of the heart that is superior to the cold and sterile artificial intelligence that is supplanting us. If awakened, the intelligence of the heart can confer great merit on man: to stop the delirium currently underway by operating a U-turn that guarantees a new phase of development at the individual, social, relational, educational and conscientious levels.

Many people think that this is difficult and the contribution of the single individual is irrelevant, sometimes it can seem like throwing a drop of water into the sea, yet the sea is made of drops. Each of us can do a lot starting from ourselves and from the reality in which we live, if we live it there is a reason!

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