Follia e sviluppo spirituale. Il risveglio della coscienza Fontana Editore

Madness and Spiritual Development. The Awakening of Consciousness

Paola Marchi
Madness and Spiritual Development. The Awakening of Consciousness

Those who change are not accepted by those who do not change. This assumption, in my opinion, should be taken into great consideration because it is the trait d'union between the psychological and spiritual approach to the difficult issue of symptoms related to the awakening of Consciousness , or Spiritual awakening.

The madness that characterizes the person who experiences the effects of the awakening of Consciousness on his own skin is a madness that is scary. The person who is living the experience, in fact, finds himself as unprepared as those who do not live it. One of the effects of the change in progress, certainly the most dangerous to manage, is that of finding oneself in a life that does not pertain in the least to the new way of being. Suddenly seeing the mistakes made when one was still living in a hypnotic state is the first test to overcome. The depression that follows and which is an obvious and consequential manifestation, not due to a physical lack at the level of neurotransmitters, as psychiatry would have us believe, remains entirely the responsibility of the subject who experiences it.

Depression is just the first phase of the process, which is followed by a whole series of very challenging psychological and physical effects.
In my personal experience, the only one I know and therefore the only one I can speak freely about, the awakening of Consciousness was a consequence of the unblocking of an energy that, in some traditions, is called Kundalini. Kundalini energy is the vital energy that we all possess and that is represented as a sleeping snake coiled at the base of the spine. There is much speculation about this energy, meditation courses are held to allow its awakening and its "ascent" along the spine. Unfortunately, understanding the reality of this energy and its potential for development has led many unscrupulous people to believe they can make a business out of it, thus exposing many people in difficulty to considerable risks.

In fact, Kundalini energy , although it is a beneficial energy that leads to total and complete healing if managed in the right way, is also an energy with an absolute destructive potential, because it is responsible for the removal of all internal blockages, which prevent the human being from reaching that state of well-being and balance that the ancients described with the formula "mens sana in corpore sano" .

There are cases in which it would be better not to touch certain delicate internal dynamics and let nature take its course.

In some cases, unfortunately rare, this Kundalini energy awakens on its own and begins its process of rising through the spine. This involves the removal of all physical energy blocks, blocks that are created in various ways. Carl Gustav Jung spoke of "psychological complexes" describing them as a set of unresolved issues that came together at an unconscious level, creating real "masses" of content that, precisely because they are unconscious, live and draw nourishment from not being recognized, working in the shadows and managing the life of the subject who experiences them. They are real complexes of psychological factors that condition our perception and our approach to reality.

Madness and Spiritual Development. The Awakening of Consciousness

Title: Who am I? - Paola Marchi

The physical body, which constitutes the most evident and gross aspect of the manifestation of the human being, faithfully reports these dynamics. Hence the somatization of the symptom (which occurs when not the slightest light has been shed on these complexes), which is followed by various types of approach, from the most medical in the strict sense to the most "holistic".

The medical approach, as I have already said, aims to erase the manifestation that the body puts on stage, in a somewhat childish and dangerous way, like: "it is no longer visible, it is no longer there" . This is also the simplest and least demanding way to give an answer, a way that reveals a deep and dangerous ignorance, or narrow vision, about the nature of the human being and its constitution. Fortunately, times are rapidly changing and, with all the errors due to the fact that we are facing a new vision of human nature and life, different approaches are being structured and more in line with what we will experience, as human beings, unless we become extinct first (which is possible because it has already happened).

The human being is not a machine where, once a piece breaks, it is replaced with a new one. The human being is an organic set of interconnected bodies, each of which also seems to have its own intelligence and memory. In this regard, the experience told by someone who has undergone a heart transplant is very interesting, who found himself living memories and feelings that do not belong to his life but to that of the person who, dying, donated his heart to someone else to allow him to continue living.

Paola Marchi

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