Gli Esoterini. Libri consapevoli per giovani cuori Fontana Editore

The Esotericists. Conscious books for young hearts

Rocco Fontana

This series of books for children and teenagers was born from an important question: "What books do we offer to our children and grandchildren, those of us who work on our spirituality and knowledge?" .

Yes, we adults study ancient, complicated texts of philosophy and mysticism, but what can we offer our young children that is equally profound and stimulating? ...Peppa Pig? Do we really have to?

The Esoterics are illustrated books for children and teenagers.

They are inspiring books. They help children become familiar with their own spirituality.
They propose new types of creative thinking.
Each book contains instructions for parents to read the books with their child.

Go to the Gli Esoterini series >>>

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