The Esoterini. Today we interview Sarah Maria Tagliabue
Rocco FontanaToday we are interviewing Sarah Maria Tagliabue , one of our prolific children's authors, who has written three books for our “ Gli Esoterini ” series, suitable for children aged 4-10, which introduce our beloved little ones to the world of subtle energies.
1. Good morning Sarah, how did your experience with your 8-year-old son Martino and his gift of subtle vision influence the creation of the first book in the series, "The Colored Egg" ? What personal discoveries did you make during this process?
The book series was born from a need, as often happens when humanity finds itself inventing what is missing. Martino, like many other children, is extremely sensitive and lives in a world where ordinary perceptions are constantly intertwined with extraordinary ones. This fluid way of perceiving reality, typical of children, is often difficult for adults to accept. Out of ignorance or rigidity, they tend to repress it rather than educate and legitimize it, as is done with any other language. On the contrary, they minimize or deny these perceptions, reducing them to "unbridled fantasy".
The result? Every day we hear stories of adults who, as children, Saw, Spoke, Heard, and Communicated in extraordinary ways, but stopped to feel accepted. I didn't want my son to suffer the same fate.
When I realized this, I looked for a book that could help him feel understood and validated, but I didn't find any that really answered what we needed. So, I decided to write it myself. This is how the first book in the series was born: "The Colored Egg".
As I wrote it, I had my son in mind, but also all the children of humanity. I asked myself: how many parents have asked themselves the same questions that I asked myself?
How many would have wanted a tool to give value to that rich inner world that children hold?
I wish my mother would have read me a story like this when I was little. And that's why I decided to publish it: to give it to the world.

2. Your books are addressed to the Children of the New Age: how do you interpret this concept? What qualities or worldview do you think distinguish today's children from previous generations?
The reflection on the evolution of humanity and the passage from the Age of Pisces to that of Aquarius offers a profound starting point for understanding the changes that are taking place in our world and, in particular, in the new generations. The increase in the vibratory frequency, as described in the Science of the Spirit, translates into a transformation that involves not only the planet, but also the souls who choose to incarnate in this historical moment.
These new souls seem to bring with them a greater amount of Fire, an energy that manifests itself through developed psychic abilities, greater inner clarity and a natural inclination towards the virtues of Aquarius: collectivity, empathy, creativity and connection with higher planes of consciousness, such as the causal body. What for our ancestors represented an almost impossible goal to achieve, today seems to be the norm for these new children.
The real question, therefore, is not so much about them, but about us: parents, educators, teachers, are we ready? Are we able to welcome these souls with the respect and awareness they deserve? Are we able to accompany them on their journey without limiting them with old and outdated patterns?
This is the great task that adult humanity must face: prepare, evolve and learn to see beyond, leaving room for an education that recognizes their extraordinary nature. We need new tools, more flexible approaches, but above all an open mind that allows these children to be what they really are: bearers of a change that concerns us all.
3. Your approach to reading with parents invites a form of “conscious presence” and does not impose expectations on the child. How do you see the role of parents or adults in this type of educational experience? What type of connection can arise in these moments of shared reading?
Presence, when exercised without expectations and with unconditional Love, becomes a source of subtle learning of inestimable value. It is important to remember that most of the information we transmit to our children does not pass through words, but happens on an energetic level, in a silent and profound way. For this reason, making the ritual of shared reading a moment of spiritual growth is not only possible, but also extraordinarily effective, provided that it is a conscious choice of the person proposing this activity.
It is often said that just being in the aura of certain masters is enough to make enormous progress in one's spiritual evolution. Well, it works the same way with children.
In the first seven years of life, in particular, children have a physiological need to spend time in their parents' energy field: it is from there that they draw calm, security, emotional recharge and deep self-knowledge. For this reason, I recommend accompanying them while reading, even when they are already able to read alone. It is not just a question of physical closeness, but of authentic presence.
Listen to them without judgment, leaving aside the concept of "right" and "wrong". Adopt a maieutic perspective, the same one that Socrates taught: the educator, like a midwife, does not impose anything from the outside, but facilitates the emergence of what is already present inside each individual. The task is to bring out their innate potential, not fill them with notions or expectations.
Try reading with your children with this attitude: listen to their reflections, be amazed by the connections they create, respect their time and their questions. This practice, in addition to strengthening the bond between you, can become a transformative experience for both of you, opening doors that you didn't even imagine existed.
Reading is not just a passage of information; it is a vibratory field in which energies, emotions and discoveries intertwine. And it is precisely in that field that the real magic happens.

4. In "I am..." , the Chakras are explained as wheels of energy in the body. What effects do you think a first understanding of the Chakras and their inner energy could have on children? Have you noticed any particular reactions from readers to this introduction to the energetic world?
In my experience, calling these sensations butterflies is a surprisingly effective method. The perception of subtle energy, in fact, resembles a flickering, a delicate and light vibration that we can easily recognize. Everyone, even the least inclined to the extrasensory world, knows what it means to feel "butterflies in the stomach". It is a natural, familiar and accessible starting point, from which you can gradually expand your awareness.
The goal is to learn to perceive these "butterflies" also in other points of the body, those associated with the chakras. Using this type of language allows us to create a common ground, a shared space in which subtle sensations can be recognized, described and understood. By associating these experiences with simple images and metaphors, we help children (and not only them) to explore with more confidence and curiosity what they feel.
You will see that once you have provided the language to describe these sensations, children will begin not only to recognize them, but also to verbalize them in extraordinarily rich detail. Often, they will add their own insights and invent new ways of describing phenomena that, in fact, esotericists have known for centuries.
It's like opening a door to a world they already inhabit, but which they didn't yet have the tools to tell.
This approach not only strengthens their ability to sense energy, but also fuels their creativity and confidence in their own feelings. And, perhaps, it teaches us in turn something new about a world we thought we knew.
5. In the book "A Walk in the Sky" , children explore the zodiac signs. What is the main message you wanted to convey through the adventures of Carolina the little witch? And how do these astrological teachings connect to the development of self-awareness?
I wanted to convey the idea that during sleep, energetically significant events happen. I explain to them that, sometimes, our soul can "go for a little ride". In children, OBE (Out of Body Experiences), that is, small trips outside the body, are more common than you think. Even when you don't physically travel with your astral body, we know that during the night, in the subtle planes, connections of great importance are established.
In parallel, I wanted to convey to them the awareness that all around us there are Beings, Egregores and Consciousnesses immensely large, that are somehow connected to us. These concepts, if proposed with delicacy, help children to develop a sense of deep connection, as if they were an integral part of a universal fabric that envelops and supports them.
To make it all lighter and more accessible, I chose to introduce a playful element through rhymes about the characteristics of the zodiac signs. These short verses become tools not only for entertainment, but also for educating oneself in self-awareness. Knowing the strengths and limitations of one's sign, as well as recognizing them in others, can in fact be a first step in developing empathy and understanding.
In this way, the message I wish to convey is articulated on two levels: on the one hand, a greater awareness of the subtle world and its connections; on the other, the opportunity to discover oneself and others in a playful but deeply meaningful way. It is a path that combines the magic of discovery with the importance of personal growth.

6. The introduction to the series poses an intriguing question: “What books do we propose to our children and grandchildren, we who work on our spirituality and knowledge?”. How do you think Gli Esoterini and your books differ from more traditional children's reading? And what do you think is missing from the current panorama of children's literature?
7. (Your experience and training in education have led you to promote a “new pedagogical paradigm” based on the centrality of the soul. How has this approach influenced the writing of your children's books?)
As I mentioned, in the current panorama there are no proposals for spiritual education specifically designed for children. As an expert in the field of childhood, I am well acquainted with both the editorial offerings and the most recent trends and I can say with certainty that none of these go beyond the level of the emotional body. This, of course, does not mean that emotional education is not important - on the contrary, it is fundamental, and it is positive that there has been a boom in interest in this long-neglected topic. However, it is not enough.
The Esoterini were born precisely to fill this void, shifting the focus towards soul and spiritual education. It is still an unexplored terrain, left almost exclusively in the hands of officials of the various religions, who, however, often operate in a framework still strongly tied to their doctrines of belonging.
My ambition, with this project, is different: I want to make the fundamental principles of Spiritual Science accessible to children, in a universal way, without ties to a specific religious belief. I want to offer them tools to understand their interiority, explore the subtle world and feel part of a bigger plan, all in a simple and playful way.
I am deeply convinced that the time is ripe. The new generations are ready to receive this type of teaching, and we adults, as a society, have also reached a point where we can start talking about spirituality in free, open and universal terms. The Esoterini want to be a guide, a bridge that allows children to get in touch with this profound dimension of their existence, without barriers or dogmas.
8. As an author and pedagogue, what importance do you give to the creation of a “language” that helps children express their perceptions and feelings? Do you think that the words used in the book can become real tools of introspection and communication for young readers?
"A language does not reflect reality, but rather creates a reality," Paul Watzlawick said, and this phrase perfectly represents the heart of my approach. The idea of offering children a language to describe their inner experiences is not only a communicative act, but a way to legitimize a whole series of subtle phenomena that often remain unexpressed, relegated to silence or perceived as something "extraordinary".
Knowing that what they feel has a name and that it is shared and experienced by many other people transforms these perceptions into an accepted normality, not into something exceptional or marginal. It is normal to feel the chakras, it is normal to perceive energy, to sense the negativity or danger of a place, or that our body refuses to get close to certain people. Normalizing these experiences, rather than repressing or diminishing them, allows children to grow with a deep awareness of themselves and the world around them.
This education offers them a precious gift: the ability to use their intuition in a precise and reliable way. They will not have to mentalize every aspect of their life, analyzing and rationalizing every choice, because they will learn to trust their feelings. Growing with this extra gear means having a more harmonious relationship with their perceptions, their body and their inner world, developing a security that does not come only from the mind, but from an integrated connection between heart, intuition and experience.
I believe that this perspective, applied from childhood, can open new paths, not only for the personal well-being of individual children, but also for the way in which these future generations will interact with the world.

9. If you had to imagine the effect that your books and the series Gli Esoterini could have on a child over time, how would you describe it? How do you hope these books will influence their growth and their view of the world?
My hope is that growing up with this awareness will give them the ability to always keep the compass of their life steady, pointing to their North with confidence and without hesitation.
I dream for them of a life path in which they do not need to lose themselves to find themselves, to face crises to heal, or to sacrifice their dreams to then rediscover them only at an advanced age, perhaps when time seems to slip away faster. I would like them to never find themselves forced to do a job they do not like to meet someone else's expectations, nor to remain trapped in toxic relationships just out of fear or lack of self-confidence.
My hope is that they can grow and evolve in joy, always following their intuition, that inner compass that never lies. That they stay connected to their Higher Self, that highest and deepest part of themselves that always knows what is the right step to take.
In this way, they will be able to face life fully, without regrets, living every experience with an open heart and with the certainty of always being on their own authentic path. This is, in the end, the greatest gift we can hope to leave to the new generations: not a traced path, but the courage and awareness to trace their own.
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