I cinque passi della Gioia. Introduzione al Life Helping Fontana Editore

The five steps of Joy. Introduction to Life Helping

A manual for a unique path of awareness, Life Helping , the first developed and created entirely in Italy, which has the universal intent of realizing the true essence of each of us, what is defined as the Joy of Being .

We do this through awareness, discovering and expressing who we really are, beyond the resistance, superstructures and social expectations in which we are immersed in daily life since birth.

This manual, written by Adriano Panaccione, was born as a response to a traumatic moment and profound discomfort that the author found himself experiencing, but which reflects the difficult condition of all those who have experience of encounters with personalities at example of a narcissistic type. This type of experience leaves deep scars in the soul and mind of the "survivors" who tend to have enormous difficulty in reclaiming their existence after having experienced an attempt at almost total annihilation of their person. Life Helping is the answer to overcome these moments.

The five steps of Joy, introduction to Life Helping, is the path that helps create solid foundations in self-discovery and the joy of living that remain valid for a lifetime. A journey of exploration into one's Being through a method based on experience and learning by doing, guided step by step by the author.

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Interview conducted together with FUCINALCHEMICA

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