Il linguaggio del cuore: trascendere la personalità Fontana Editore

The Language of the Heart: Transcending Personality

Nicoletta Geniola

Relating to others requires authenticity and the ability to be oneself. Each of us is ourselves when we transcend the coarser aspects of our personality, in order to reach those purer aspects that characterize our divine nature , the true one. Purity is that primordial dimension that is constantly turned inward.
As our attention separates from our inner dimension to pursue the outer one, we lose our purity.

“There is a road that goes from the eyes to the heart without passing through the intellect.”

It is the ability to let life flow, without moving away from one's nature. Flow to open up to a continuous internal transformation and not just external. What is outside is the mirror of what is inside. Purity therefore does not concern what you do and how you do it, but what you are, not only in your thoughts, but in your cells and in the way you perceive yourself. The perception that comes from the heart savors life in all its essence without judging it, but there are few who truly know how to cultivate it. Inner transformation is the increasingly manifest awareness of one's own beauty. By beauty we mean the natural predisposition to live our life with extreme spontaneity and simplicity; just like children. To allow spontaneity to return to being an essential part of our being, we must understand that it is no longer possible to live in separation and judgment.

Judgement, and especially prejudices towards ourselves and others, not only limit the possibility of fully knowing our multidimensionality, but they also stop our evolutionary process and that of others, especially when the other is a figure very close to us, such as a child, a mother or a partner, and therefore easily influenced.

“Purity is the ability to experience everything for what it is without judging it”

The language of the heart is a pure language because it speaks in a living, present time, a timeless time. The language of the heart is an eternal language. Love has no beginning and end. Love has always been, is and will be. When we leave the timeless, to stagnate in time, in those linear conditions of experience that others have chosen for us, we find ourselves surviving in a sterile three-dimensional dimension, typical of the ordinary man, which distances us from our essence and our heart. The point is that we are not "ordinary" men, but extraordinary beings. Unfortunately, no one has taught us this yet, because discovering that we are extraordinary allows man to become the creator of his own reality and to be free. When man is put in the condition of being able to create from the heart and not from the mind, he begins to live life instead of suffering it. He is no longer a prisoner of his emotions, but begins to live his life in a conscious, responsible and active way. Consciousness presupposes that there is a good dose of love towards oneself (I am not talking about narcissism or selfishness, it is easy to get confused today), I am talking about love as acceptance and remembrance of oneself, the remembrance of what nourishes the soul beyond this "human" guise.

Responsibility, in the same way, is the coherence between what we are and what we have consciously chosen to be. Being responsible means remaining faithful to one's inner fire: the heart, the only truth that allows man to be truly free.

Living an active life presupposes that you have developed and increased within you the fire of will, as a force through which you can continually recreate the truest part of yourself, breaking your habits and unhinging any type of identification with what is not real.

Habit is a dangerous attitude because, in addition to making us forget ourselves, it creates an energetic stagnation, becoming the basis for repeating the same experiences, and when this happens a part of us dies silently. When energy is no longer free to flow, to expand, we are no longer capable of acting from the heart and drawing from ourselves, risking swallowing up the other. Identifying ourselves with a role, with a condition or with an emotion, does not allow us to perceive reality in its fullness. The heart, unlike the mind, does not judge and does not divide, the language of the heart is a neutral language: involved but at the same time detached.

It is true that an emotion increases the heartbeat, but this does not mean that it originated from the heart! This happens because our organism is so polluted by emotions that we are no longer able to discern and perceive the reality of things in their immediacy and purity. Feeling, unlike emotions, is a " feeling " that resides in the heart, it is a sensitive language that, as such, allows it to transform everything it encounters in its range of action. It can even transform linear time into multidimensional time. It is in this dimension that we no longer know who we are. And only when we no longer know who we are can we discover who we really are. This is the experience par excellence of the transcendence of one's personality, through which we understand who we are and what we could potentially be, compared to what we thought we were.

Emotion, unlike feeling, does not belong to the language of the heart, it resides in the head and is nourishment for the personality. Our emotions are nothing but reactions to experience, a sort of "memory" that we have imprinted in our physical and emotional body through past experiences or through the influence of thought forms that have, in some way, conditioned our way of reading "reality".

The language of the heart is a new way of inter-reading reality. Real is only what is read from within. This ability to tune into the heart of the other far surpasses empathy. While the latter works on the mental level to understand the other, the heart tunes into the other immediately, to recognize itself as part of it without any mental mediation.

In harmony everything happens spontaneously and directly. We are still able to feel and communicate with the other even when this does not give us any reason to do so. Getting in tune with the other means "emanating", emanating means being; when "I am" I leave the plane of the duality "I-you" to enter the We.

“If what I am and say resonates with you, it is simply because we are branches of the same tree.”

Understanding that emotions are reactions of human nature to experience, while feelings are actions dictated by the intelligence of the heart, can greatly change the quality of our life and that of others. Feeling has only one shade which is that of love, purity and humility, one cannot exist without the other, therefore they are one. Emotions, on the contrary, have different shades that go from the lightest to the darkest and vice versa and can exist very well alone. Controlling your emotions does not mean holding back your feelings, but simply knowing all the shades and noticing the thoughts connected to them.

“The best way to understand reality is through feelings” said Tiziano Terzani.

The language of the heart is not a “romantic or poetic” language as many believe, on the contrary it is a right, intelligent and universal language. It cannot be considered an emotional source linked to the search for pleasures or displeasures. The heart emits an electromagnetic energy capable of transforming and healing, both on a spiritual and physical level. Its language is magnetic. When we are in the heart, that is, when we are able to give and receive without selfish ends, and when we feel that the joy of the other increases ours regardless of their behavior, their choices, we are able to heal ourselves and at the same time all those who, near or far, approach our ray of unconditional love . The spiritual healing of ourselves and of the other happens when both we and the other no longer identify with our personality, we are no longer dependent on our little ego, but we both recognize ourselves as One. The language of the heart is a silent and warm emanation, just like the Sun does.

Learning this type of language requires inner calm, the ability to be present in the now and in acceptance, accepting that we cannot change what we see in front of us and loving it for what it is: opening ourselves to compassion which for me is synonymous with tenderness.

When you live in the here and now, mental silence is activated that allows us to leave aside our personality for a while. If you are there, there can be no love! The heart speaks for itself, transcending every word and feeling, to go beyond. Have you ever tried to look someone in the eyes without batting an eye and feel the power of the gaze and its energetic emanation? It is no coincidence that the eye resembles the Sun, a symbol of light and divine energy: for this reason the gaze is closer to consciousness than the other senses. Our eyes immediately reflect our "warm luminary", our inner sun.

When we are too much in the head and less in the heart, we remain imprisoned in a lived reality, risking not noticing the living one. The head is the place where our emotions, insecurities and fears live. Here man lives in a flat and linear temporal dimension, with a beginning and an end. The heart is the space of sharing where time is cancelled and its flat and temporal dimension is transformed into a spiral dimension in continuous evolution, without beginning or end.

The sacred dimension of the heart moves us towards the understanding of all that is beyond reason and ego. The heart energy center is the point of access to intuitive intelligence that is able to elevate the quality of communication, decision-making and choice to a much more effective level. Access to the intuitive intelligence of the heart varies from person to person and its manifestation depends on how we are able to tune into our divine nature.

Developing the heart's intuition as the ability to perceive the surrounding reality is one of the noblest and highest abilities that man can develop.

“Intuition is the direct and immediate knowledge of a truth that manifests itself to the spirit, even before we have a concrete experience of it.”

In ancient wisdom cultures, the heart was considered the centre of Being , the bridge between man and God, and – very often – the place where God himself “dwelt”.

These references, over the centuries, have been lost and have given way to the idea that the heart is a simple pump, a muscle. The heart develops as the first source of life in the fetus, before the brain. In fact, the heart has its own intelligence equal to, if not superior to, that of the brain: it has about 40 thousand neurons and is able to receive, process and transmit information from inside and outside, exactly like the brain in the head, and in a completely independent and autonomous way from it. The heart has its own energy field called "Toroid", in the shape of a reticular donut, similar to the torso of an apple, capable of very powerful electromagnetic emanation, 5,000 times greater than that of the brain.

The Heart communicates with the brain through a constant dialogue, in which both organs influence each other. Communication occurs in four main ways: neurological, biophysical, biochemical, energetic or bioquantum . Each heartbeat generates an electromagnetic field, which is also in direct contact with a vast field of information. Furthermore, the cardiac electromagnetic field, the “energetic heart”, is in resonance with the Earth’s, making global coherence possible.

Through your emotional state, you can generate cardiac coherence. Positive emotions allow you to establish a state of coherence, in which you open up to higher communication, allowing intuition to reach the brain and be recognized.

If the emotions are negative, one will experience a state of incoherence with the natural rhythm of the heart. Learning to slow down our mind and experience deeper feelings allows our natural intuitive connection to manifest, resulting in a greater understanding of ourselves, others and reality.

The Heart through its energy waves is able to influence DNA and modify its genes. Unconditional Love is the essential ingredient for this to happen.

Loving is an art! To let our heart express itself freely, we must nourish love and gratitude towards ourselves. Loving does not mean annulling ourselves for the other, but it means existing, living even more intensely. Loving without expecting the same makes us resemble the sun, because it means offering light without demanding a return. It is the dispassionate and visceral love that only very young children and animals are capable of. The adult is never too corrupt and contaminated to be able to resemble a radiant star. And so the social universe is full of black holes, vacuum cleaners of light that close themselves to Eternal Joy, because they ask without giving and often, without even realizing it, they actually steal light from around them.
Those who have extinguished the primordial love within themselves, behave like an energy sucker, tending to parasitize on the vitality of others. All this because they renounce love, and I am not talking about the bond of a couple, I am talking about the feeling and awareness of being particles of the Macro-Infinity that specularly contain the Absolute. The seat of Love has been dethroned by our civilization by an arid desert filled with emptiness and futility.

There is a teaching that proclaims: “Love your neighbor as yourself” . This seems to be the first characteristic of love, let us see together its true essence, transcendence and metaphysicality. Loving what lives in the sensitive world of physys is a state of affection, not true love, and confusing it with it is equivalent to mere fetishism.

Then there is that “AS yourself”. The more I think about it, the more it engages me. It says “as yourself”, not “more than yourself”, yet this second level leads to the propensity for sacrifice. Loving our neighbor as ourselves can mean committing ourselves to attributing value equally to ourselves and to our brother. Any imbalance in dispensing value to one rather than the other leads to a disqualification of one of the subjects involved. If I love my neighbor more than myself, I overvalue him and minimize myself; I could impersonate the role of the victim, who unlike the sun steals light. If I love myself more, however, the other counts for little or nothing, and perhaps I enslave him, I bend him to my egocentric needs, since they are considered to be of a higher order, like the person who embodies them. It is then useless to consume the energy reserves of our neighbor, since by a sort of physical law one yields to the other and no harmony is established.

This is where all the discomforts, unresolved conflicts, wrong relationships and inadequate and unproductive behaviors come from, incomprehensible even to ourselves; it is all clear to those who look at the Source of Life. We cannot live by asking our neighbor, there cannot always be availability, capacity, fullness, authenticity and strength.

To love is also to be self-sufficient and to learn not to ask, but to harmonize in unison with the Law of the Universe, which has everything available for everyone and knows what is most useful to each. “Ask and it will be given to you”, there is no better request than an unasked one. Being grateful regardless is the best request you can make!

Unconditional love is the alchemy par excellence , a language of the heart that allows us to become one with existence itself and to close the circle of life. Living it transforms us internally and elevates us in an extraordinary spiritual way.

It's a shame that down here we are "trained" to live practically like a circle of which a part is erased. Suffering is most of the time unreal because it is linked to a deformation of love that wants us all the same. Diversity is the variability that each of us has; it is less manageable and what is less manageable scares. It is the fear of the unknown that creates suffering.
In Peace without thought or desire, you allow the Universe to give you its nourishment and true knowledge. To know who we are is to feel the contact of our feet with the Earth and to feel immense love for it. It means to be centered, rooted, in love with ourselves, united with the core of our being, our self.

“The language of the heart is a simple language, just like breathing.”

When we breathe we do it spontaneously and most of the time without even realizing it and, most importantly, we breathe for ourselves. Just as breathing is life for the body, Love is life for the Spirit. I exist and I am life because I am Love. It is important to love, starting from small things, remembering that love starts and returns to Freedom; we must therefore meditate so that our life becomes light like a song, a dance, a celebration.

“Get to the purity of the center. That is the goal!”

Welcoming and making this truth your own is vital, it means growing and climbing the dimensional scale: the fourth dimension is not an etheric shift into the galactic world, but more simply a conscious return to the center of one's heart.

“Remember you are not alone in your search for truth, the truth is searching for you too!”

“Our life is a magical work that escapes the reflection of reason and is all the richer the further it distances itself from it, carried out in secret and often against the order of apparent laws!”
Gabriele D'Annunzio.

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