La Stanza delle Visioni e l’ Elettromeopatia del Conte Mattei Fontana Editore

The Vision Room and Count Mattei's Electrohomeopathy

Leonardo Anfolsi

In this video we want to show for the first time the Vision Room of Count Mattei , located in the dangerous and therefore difficult to visit area of ​​Rocchetta Mattei , in Riola di Vergato, in that strange castle that stands out with its Russian domes and full of arabesques, on the Bolognese Apennines.

Count Cesare Mattei lived throughout the 19th century, co-founded the Cassa di Risparmio with his fellow student Marco Minghetti, but became famous as the founder of the first multinational pharmaceutical company in the world, which was homeopathic, with one hundred and seven or more branches throughout the world.

Since at that time the media did not have the same enormous power as today, but word of mouth was still contagious, it was now difficult to contradict the evidence: extreme or unappealable cases such as war wounded at risk of sepsis, livestock and pets were treated and healed thanks to homeopathy, thus revealing what was a fact, even if it was flatly denied by the self-referential theory of conventional medicine with its placebo spiel.

But Count Mattei's Electrohomeopathy (EH) was a case in itself, and was even more sensational.

Soon hundreds of thousands of people claimed to have been cured by the Count's powerful remedies, including crowned heads, entire noble families, presidents, missionaries, cardinals and the Pope.

Count Mattei's Electrohomeopathy had this ability to heal people - often much faster than homeopathy - thanks to a meticulous and continuous dosage, for which a relative of the Tsar, despite the results, protested. Furthermore, the ostracism of the Italian state forced for a long time anyone who had to obtain Mattei's drugs to buy them in the Vatican City.

It is now evident that the Count discovered a secret concerning the structure of matter and its relation to the universal acting forces, an alchemical secret that the Count never revealed or - to put it better - that he wanted to entrust to an honest missionary, Father Augustus Muller, stationed in Mangalore, India; the latter believed that he should not have to bear the burden of it, given his already heavy daily commitment to the sick, in particular to lepers.

Father Muller was supposed to leave the mission to go to Riola to produce the Count's medicines which, certainly, had exceptional healing power and which the good Father used daily; Father Muller hoped and prayed that the Count would find someone worthy of such a tiring task.

The Room of Visions was not – as some say – the place where the Count designed his medicine and pharmacopoeia, but rather the place where he retreated to meditate in the dark or watching the reflections on a thin curtain where the sun beat down in the late afternoon, and where he loaded the medicines thanks to a fortunate but also planned configuration of the place and the tower.

The sphere seen in the video is a papier-mâché reproduction of an experience of the structure of reality, or rather of a configuration of perception/vision that spontaneously manifests itself after repeated attempts and further developments of meditation. It had no operational function but an evocative one, like many other objects scattered around the Rocchetta Mattei, probably left by the Count to inspire us regarding his secret; we can say that, even literally, Cesare Mattei took his secret to the grave.

Count Mattei, due to the death of his mother, a cancer patient, vented his antipathy towards the medical profession of the time by inventing a therapeutic system – EH – that did not need them. The response was obviously fierce. In fact, conventional doctors, pressured by a difficult profession and, many of them, suffering from a tetragonal dogmatism, tried to deny the evident successes of the Count, simply by rejecting the theory of EH in its entirety. Hiding behind the usual finger, not wanting to see and admit the repeated healings, they challenged the electrohomeopathic doctors and, having obtained an answer to their challenge, they tried in every way to resolve it by making ineffective whatever they could do: the medicines and electrohomeopathic procedures were examined by a committee of the London Medical Association that, discussing and slowing down every choice of the electrohomeopaths, decided, in light of the progress of the treatments of four cancer patients, not to continue the examination.

Medicine, which wanted to see the tumor disappear, could not accept seeing it mature and then heal, concepts that in its surgical eye were completely unfounded, crazy, criminal.
Later, however, another director of the project, Dr. WT Stead, reviewing the results, noticed the undue carelessness of his colleagues and recognized the positive outcome of the experiment, since the well-being of the three out of four patients treated with EH had made the rounds of Coomonwealth.

The only patient of these who was dying, admitted that he had not followed the treatment as prescribed and that the Count's remedies had taken away the pain more effectively and given much more strength than all the rest, prescribed by conventional doctors; he also complained about the continuous dosage but admitted his own ineptitude in following it.

Fortunately this very conventional doctor, Stead, was capable of some intellectual honesty; in fact he at least had the courage, albeit through gritted teeth, to say:

"it is no longer a question of considering Electrohomeopathy suitable or not to cure cancer, but of seeing it as a useful tool to alleviate the ailments of patients, even those with serious conditions and those affected by malignant tumors".

Close to our times we record the case of Dr. Di Bella, who successfully cured or improved the conditions of thousands of cancer patients in the nineties with treatments that did not adhere to pharmaceutical protocols and who because of this received every type of insult, legal request and political ostracism; just read the Wikipedia page critically and realize how much is forgotten , claimed - but only by Di Bella - or manipulated about this news story.

Even today there are followers of Electrohomeopathy, especially in India, where leprosy, oncological diseases, nervous and mental diseases of children, and much more are still treated, thanks to the continuators of the Count's research, who have formulated a pharmacopoeia of spagyric compounds that is very effective, but still different from the original.

Alchemy is not a myth, and this story does not take us back to distant times but to very close people, to human beings who put the care of others before any need for dogmatic certainties, wealth or role, be they conventional or complementary doctors, health workers or healers, missionaries or researchers.

Count Cesare Mattei was one of them. We will always remember his courage, as well as that dedication that was of men of other times, ready even to sacrifice their earthly life in order to help those who asked for their help.

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