Perchè pubblico libri? Fontana Editore

Why do I publish books?

Rocco Fontana

Why do I publish books? This is a question I should ask myself every day, in the morning, as soon as I wake up and still with the wonder of the gift of another day to live.

And I actually almost always do that, but not always!

For me, “Why do I publish books?” is now equivalent to asking “Who am I?”

It is not presumption, it is necessity . The need to repay a debt and to repair the waste of a gift received.

Is it easier to lull yourself into a dream? It's not true, I know now, with the taste of the little bit of Life I managed to bite into still in my mouth, at times.

Why do I publish books?

Because the debt you incur is never greater than what you are able to repay.

Because I hope I am contagious and reality and spirituality are the best “diseases”, for a human being.

Because I'm tired of being just one person, or rather many people all at once.

Because the books I found and the teaching I received were my salvation, they allowed me not to die, when it could have easily happened.

Because I need to give trust, unconditional.

Because there are people who need my trust to be able to bring their work into the world and to someone out there who is waiting for it.

Because I accept this responsibility, but I don't know who gave it to me.

Because this often makes me extremely happy.

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