
The Japan we fail to see, part two Fontana Editore

The Japan we fail to see, part two

Many of those who have been in Japan, even for decades, have never heard of ancestor's worship, or, if they have, like me until recently do not have a clear...

The Japan we fail to see, part two

Many of those who have been in Japan, even for decades, have never heard of ancestor's worship, or, if they have, like me until recently do not have a clear...

The Japan we fail to see, part one Fontana Editore

The Japan we fail to see, part one

One of the most surprising (indeed, I find it shocking) facts about Japan is that its inhabitants, while masters of technology (but mind you, technology is not science), do not...

The Japan we fail to see, part one

One of the most surprising (indeed, I find it shocking) facts about Japan is that its inhabitants, while masters of technology (but mind you, technology is not science), do not...

Dottor Stefano Montanari, nanoparticelle, salute, vaccini Fontana Editore

Dottor Stefano Montanari, nanoparticelle, salut...

Leonardo Anfolsi intervista il Dott. Stefano Montanari:Ho avuto occasione di incontrare in diverse occasioni il Dott. Stefano Montanari, un uomo di scienza e ricerca, estremamente preparato e disponibile al confronto....

Dottor Stefano Montanari, nanoparticelle, salut...

Leonardo Anfolsi intervista il Dott. Stefano Montanari:Ho avuto occasione di incontrare in diverse occasioni il Dott. Stefano Montanari, un uomo di scienza e ricerca, estremamente preparato e disponibile al confronto....

Certezze, pensieri e l'illuminazione Fontana Editore

Certezze, pensieri e l'illuminazione

Uno dei grandi dubbi dell’essere Umano che cerca di raggiungere la propria illuminazione, è di comprendere perché dovrebbe raggiungere la propria illuminazione e come? In effetti, se abbiamo la birra,...

Certezze, pensieri e l'illuminazione

Uno dei grandi dubbi dell’essere Umano che cerca di raggiungere la propria illuminazione, è di comprendere perché dovrebbe raggiungere la propria illuminazione e come? In effetti, se abbiamo la birra,...

Comparazioni tra NadaYoga e Enneagramma di Gurdjieff Fontana Editore

Comparisons between NadaYoga and Gurdjieff's En...

In this presentation we will try, through graphs and reasoning, to find correspondences and similarities between the concepts expressed in the theory and practice of NadaYoga - yoga of sound...

Comparisons between NadaYoga and Gurdjieff's En...

In this presentation we will try, through graphs and reasoning, to find correspondences and similarities between the concepts expressed in the theory and practice of NadaYoga - yoga of sound...

Medicina Alchemica radice di Omeopatia e Antroposofia – 2 Fontana Editore

Alchemical Medicine Root of Homeopathy and Anth...

Half a century before the turning point brought about by Von Bernus and Glückselig in alchemical research, a physician, Carl Friedrich Zimpel, perfected, with the use of innovative glassware, the...

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Alchemical Medicine Root of Homeopathy and Anth...

Half a century before the turning point brought about by Von Bernus and Glückselig in alchemical research, a physician, Carl Friedrich Zimpel, perfected, with the use of innovative glassware, the...

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