Leonardo Anfolsi
Bananananda, a valuable text by Leonardo Anfolsi, comes out, re-proposed by Fontana Editore, in an ebook edition.
Master of zen buddhism and only Italian author, and alive, strongly desired by Franco Battiato in his publishing house l'Ottava (1998), and the only author not to have been republished by Neri Pozza (I think this amuses the author a lot), when Franco Battiato stopped dealing with publishing.
Crude marketing logic often leaves Zen pearls like this abandoned on the side of the road Bananananda, a funny mystical title that hides the sense of self-enlightenment that passes, also or above all, on the tightrope of a lucid and sharp irony like a loving samurai sword.
Bananananda tells the journey towards self-knowledge and does so with an iridescent and terse writing, the words are ironic and cheeky, very close or very deep, zen, depending on the "angle" of the reader, but ineluctably loving. It is difficult to remain indifferent and not participate (at least on paper) in the journey that is proposed to us.
NB: Available in digital formats only.
The ebook in numbers:
IBSN: 9788898750061
Author: Leonardo Anfolsi
98.762 characters
19.916 parole
6 illustrations