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Nitrogeno 3 - International review of Operative Alchemy

Nitrogeno 3 - International review of Operative Alchemy

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Alchemists were really able to produce gold. Here are their stories and those of modern scientific researchers who have obtained the same result: researches, evidences and (true) procedures to make gold.

In this Issue:

To create Gold through Alchemy is just like free climbing a very steep cliff without any safety lock, a situation where the handholds are few, tilted and small. Nevertheless, we can make Gold, absolutely - By Leonardo Anfolsi

  • On Making Gold1 - Just a few words about the glorious past of Alchemy - By Janet Sambucetti and Leonardo Anfolsi
  • On Making Gold 2 - By Roberto A. Monti
  • On Making Gold 3 - How a Japanese chemist did it. Hantaro Nagaoka (1865-1950)
  • On Making Gold 4 - Experiment in which mercury was successfully transformed into gold
  • On Making Gold 5 - Russian team “actinides” announces discovery of industrial biochemical method of elemental transmutation.
  • The twenties, Nice, France...Gold! - Path of the Red Dragon - By James Collins
  • Philosophical Transactions III - By Leonardo Anfolsi
  • Plant Salts - By John H Reid III
  • Salt of the wise - By Lynn Osburn
  • Cybernetics and Alchemy - By Leonardo Anfolsi
  • Anti-earthquake technology: Done - By Leonardo Anfolsi
  • The wonderful Essence of plants - By Licia Rossi
  • The american chemical society press release on cold fusion - By Melvin Miles
  • The Home Made Laboratory - By Steve Kalec
  • A simple arcana for beginners - By Leonardo Anfolsi
  • Alchemy and other controversial - By Felds Ludwik Kowalski
  • The Alchemy of Fulcanelli. An Alchemy of Light - By Jean Artero
  • The manipulation of Guṇa in Āyurveda rasayana - By Guido Sartori
  • C.G. Jung’s Alchemy. Interview with Luca Valerio Fabj – Psychopathologist - By Leonardo Anfolsi
  • Stradanus - Rebecca Rossi Schelissinger
  • The Gold Nanoparticles - Ultimate Healing Power - By Janet Sambucetti

ISBN: 9791280418173
ISSN: 2499-6734
183.437 characters
30.913 words
179 images

If not in stock, the book is printed in print-on-demand with delivery in about 7/10 working days (an ecological choice).

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