Vincenzo Pane Bansō Fontana Editore

Vincenzo Pane Banso

Fontana Editore

Vincenzo Pane Bansō was born in Sicily in 1954, he lived from 1977 to 2010 in Tuscany. Now he lives in Sicily and spends a lot of time on the beautiful beach of Cefalù. With his smartphone he photographs the clouds, which in their appearance and immediately after disappearance represent impermanence well.

A shape appears among the clouds and immediately vanishes.

The Way of the Clouds is the Way of liberation that he has experienced in over 30 years of inner research.

In reality it is a non-Way, since, like the clouds, it is constantly changing.

Vincenzo had the good fortune to practice Zen Buddhism for several years at the Zenshinji Buddhist Temple in Scaramuccia (Orvieto) directed by Master Engaku Taino, from whom he received the Japanese name Bansō which means: Ban (ten thousand), So (idea, images) and had the opportunity to come into contact with a teaching that is transmitted from master to student starting from Buddha.

After this fundamental experience, due to an illness, he took a path that led to a miraculous recovery.

In the book he describes this Path, through which he reached the awareness that everything is perfect just the way it is.

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