Anima & Spada. Dialogo con Elisa Eva Cappelli Fontana Editore

Soul & Sword. Dialogue with Elisa Eva Cappelli

Rocco Fontana

The Art of War written as if Sun Tzu had been a woman. This book is a real magnet. Just as the title attracts, its content enchants. A precious book, in which the author looks generously at the weakest and most sensitive souls, often unaware or aware victims of the abuses of "enemy" supremacy, often narcissistic.

Soul & Sword revolves around a potential enemy, its objectives, its moves and strategies until it reaches the nakedness of the fact that the enemy, in reality, lives inside us. Like a Sun Tzu novel, Elisa Eva Cappelli moves a thought that acquires physicality, movement and strength as one proceeds with reading. The text must be consumed and metabolized slowly.

Finally an approach from the female side, an integral part of each of us, who listens, dodges and parries blows with welcome and acceptance. It rarely hits, there's no need. The enemy is seen, welcomed, disarmed.

In the creation of this work the author shows us a winning lifestyle, aimed at listening to oneself and connecting with one's own center, with one's heart, in the name of values ​​and relationship life, understood in a broader sense. broad, such as body, mind and spirit.

This book is also an in-depth study on the characteristics of pathological narcissism and presents itself as a tool for those who enter or exit this type of relationship, or have managed to transform and integrate.

With love. The author proposes the sublimation of the conflict in a sensual dance; the rediscovery of the sincerity of bodily dynamics. The text is accompanied by extensive themed photographic work.

Interview conducted together with FUCINALCHEMICA

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