Arte come strumento di crescita spirituale - Parte 3 Fontana Editore

Art as a Tool for Spiritual Growth - Part 3

Paola Marchi
Art as a Tool for Spiritual Growth - Part 3

Art therefore presents itself, in its highest function, as an opportunity for self-healing. A difficult path, certainly, no less than any other path that has as its ultimate goal the good of the human being .

By “good” I mean everything that has to do with the terms: joy, serenity, peace, centering, openness, construction, responsibility, spontaneous self-affirmation through merit. The list is long and it is not worth making a list, because it risks obtaining the opposite effect, that is, reinforcing the tendencies towards death that characterize our era.

The combination of art and spiritual growth is the foundation of my artistic and human journey.

Art as a Tool for Spiritual Growth - Part 3

I spent years without painting, after in my research path, I stumbled upon Gurdjieff 's thought about Subjective Art and Objective Art.

What is meant by this difference, I leave to those who believe in the possibility that Art and Spiritual Growth are a possible union. I wrote a short article, years ago, on my blog, which talks about my individual experience and therefore does not claim to resolve the issue.

A question that it would be extremely presumptuous to aspire to resolve. When I understood that in my path, the act of presumption could dangerously hide behind the Diamon that pushed me to go forward, despite everything and despite everyone, I stopped and I let go.

Art as a Tool for Spiritual Growth - Part 3

Now I'm taking it up again thanks to the meeting with the publisher Fontana, who won the first prize in the "Aureolina d'oro" lottery, taken during my first solo exhibition at the Malaspina Castle in Massa (MS), between the serious and the facetious.

The facetious has eliminated itself, the reason is still shrouded in mystery, the serious has remained, as it should be. If something is serious, it can disguise itself as anything, but its nature remains and sooner or later it is destined to manifest itself.

Paola Marchi

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