Ask yourself what is the purpose of beauty?
Tzuriel ben Chaviva Trevi Shakespeare said: “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”
So, it would not exist as an objective quality, but would be the result of a subjective construction of the observer's thought. So many observers and therefore so many different beauties, or even ugliness, because it is not at all impossible that you do not like at all what I find wonderful. And vice versa.
Shakespeare said a Chinese fortune cookie platitude.
But I want to speak differently from Burke or Kant and the empirical rationalists.
I am a Kabbalist and I must try to find mystical definitions for beauty, which is one of the most essential crossroads of the Universe.
Especially because there is in the Universe a shocking enormity of breathtaking beauty that we do not know, because it is located where it is not meant for the human eye to look at it and judge it. And yet it was there, it has always been there, objectively there, to do what beauty must do.
Beauty is a harmonic frequency that reveals the ongoing activity of the process of Being being what It Is (The Being, being Being, according to Cooper's formula) which is thus indicated by it as the source and wellspring of the vibrational wave that passes through the Field, as well as of the Field itself.
The Being can only manifest itself in Beauty and therefore expose it to the action of the forces existing in the Field that has been formed in the Tehiru, saturated with Reshimu, and covered by the cloak of Light of the Malbush, as the Kordoverian Kabbalists have said for at least 6 centuries. And obviously the necessary complementary opposites that can act to overwhelm and transform it.
One of the latestquarks discovered by physicists has been named the “Beauty” quark. The bottom quark (usually abbreviated to b quark), sometimes called the beauty quark, is a third-generation quark with a negative electric charge of -1⁄3 e and an estimated mass of 4.20 GeV/c2, theorized in 1973 by physicists Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa to explain CP symmetry violation and then proven to exist by Muon experiments at the Fermi Lab in 1977.

Physics, in fact, shows us all the explosive, baroque, redundant, inexhaustible, unstoppable beauty of matter (which is Eternal because it too is energy from Being in another form, subjected to eternal circular becoming) that Being causes to be modeled in increasingly bold and paradoxical forms and then transcendental and therefore non-dual. After all, the hydrogen atom was enough to say: "ok, this is done too, let's move on to the next form of manifestation" .
But no: all this inconceivable Universe with antimatter (maybe), dark matter, quasars, white dwarfs, black holes, wormholes is something that reveals the existence, or rather the Essence of a Thought that Thinks. Being is Thinking. And Beauty is the manifest dimension of Absolute thought.
I invite you to read the continuation of my article in the next issue of Nitrogeno, the second , a philosophical, scientific and ethical project gathered around Fontana Editore. We will talk about thought and its real capacity to create in matter in accordance with the will and intention of man, with all the scientific experiments carried out in this field, such as those of the PEAR Project which, who knows why, is not spoken of at all.
Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) was founded in 1979 by Robert Jahn, Professor of Applied Physics in the School of Engineering and then Dean of Princeton University. Its aim was to provide a scientific study of the role of human consciousness in the behavior of certain engineering devices.
To be clear, the aim was to delve more closely into the question of the influence of the observer on the observed facts, that is, how much human consciousness intervenes in the surrounding reality. In this case, on machines specifically built for the experiment.
Using a rigorous scientific method, the effect of will on the behavior of various optical, acoustic, mechanical and electrical devices, called REG, Random Event Generators, was analyzed.
And what did we discover?
That Schroedinger had perfectly understood how things were.
The Thought of the observer changes the observed reality, because Thought can create reality in accordance with its will and even manifest matter that was not there before.
But only since 1999, when Massimo Corbucci , the only one in the world, said "no, it's a total hoax!" to the bogus discovery of the Higgs Boson, have we realized that in the Mechanical Quantum Void, there truly is the Dirah be Tachtonim of Kabbalah, that is, the Abode of God in Matter, because that void, which is terrible to approach in an attempt to understand, is not empty at all, but is PURE INFINITE THOUGHT.
And we can prove it. And thus lay the foundations for a Mathematics with a countability index of at least Aleph 5 (we are stuck at Aleph 3) that will serve us to revolutionize this world entirely. The synergy of philosophy, physics and mysticism will produce it.
Finally an interesting challenge.
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