Dario Atena si presenta Fontana Editore

Dario Atena introduces himself

Rocco Fontana

This is the presentation that Dario Atena sent me to present his work:

"When I was three years old I was in my bedroom. Suddenly I saw a sphere descending from a staircase of the Cassa di Risparmio di Gorizia beyond the wall. As the sphere descended I saw that its surface was wrinkled. Then I saw another sphere descending which became wrinkled like the first. I didn't understand what they were but I didn't tell anyone about the vision, not even my parents. Then I saw in a corner of the ceiling a dark shape, similar to a spider. It was Satan, but I wasn't scared."

When I was ten years old, I was wondering what I would do in life, and suddenly I saw three books floating in the air outside the window. Later, because of the experiences I had, wanted by God, I wrote three books: INITIATORY TEACHING, THE ANCIENT SCIENCE OF RESURRECTION and THE SONS OF THUNDER spread by Rocco Fontana.

I tell about the experiences I had in the biography THE SONS OF THUNDER. I have to thank Helena Petrovna Blavatsky who a hundred years ago said that in 1976 the Messenger would come who would build on the foundations she had laid. In fact, in that year my experiences that I am narrating began, and thanks to her I had begun to understand what was happening to me. I quote a passage from the Vedas that she spread:

"This Self, the highest, the one and the universal, was symbolised on the mortal plane by the Sun, its life-giving radiance being in its turn the emblem of the Soul: which slays the earthly passions which have ever been an impediment to the reunion of the One Self (the Spirit) with the All-Self. The second Sun (the "second hypostasis" of Rabbi Drach) appeared to be subjected to a test, when Vishvakarma, the Hierophant, cut off seven of its rays and replaced them with a crown of thorns, when the "Sun" became Vikartana, deprived of its rays. After this, the Sun - represented by a neophyte ready for initiation - was made to descend into the Patala, the lower regions, for the test of Tantalus. Emerging triumphant, he emerged from this region of sensuality and iniquity, to become again Karmasakshin, witness to the Karma of men, and again rose triumphant in all the glory of his regeneration, as the Graha Raja, the King of the Constellations, who was addressed as Gabbastiman, "reintegrated in his rays." In mystical representations of his character, Vishvakarman is often called Vithoba, and is pictured as the "Victim" or "God-Man," the Avatar crucified in space. Of the real Mysteries, the real initiations, of course nothing can be said publicly; they can only be known to those who are capable of experiencing them. But some hints may be given of the great ceremonial Mysteries of antiquity, which passed for the public as the true Mysteries, into which candidates were initiated with much ceremony and display of occult Arts. Behind these, in silence and obscurity, were the true Mysteries, as they have always existed and as they continue to exist. In Egypt and Chaldea and later in Greece, the Mysteries were celebrated at certain times and the first day was a public festival, in which with much pomp the candidates were accompanied into the great Pyramid and there disappeared from sight..."

I report below a real/symbolic image of the monodic Robe that unites Spirit to Matter to do, as Master Hermes says: "As above so below to do the miracle of the One thing". This recalls the vision I had as a child. Today for the first time the ancient Mysteries are explained. The ancient Gnostics had foreseen my arrival and the crown of thorns was not put on Jesus, who was not put on the cross but was killed by a Roman spear while coming down a hill. For millennia they have hated me by shooting arrows and thorns, but now the washing of the Monadic Robe is taking place and the Resurrection is near and all souls will be freed from evil.

Dario Athena

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