Intervista a Stefania Calesini autrice Fontana Editore

Interview with Stefania Calesini author

Rocco Fontana

Stefania Calesini's fairy tales, for adult readers, tell of identities, behaviors and relationships. We are the curious Princesses and Princes, when we try to understand the mechanisms that push us to act/not act in a certain way, when we are curious and go to explore the child parts, the ones that first experienced being in the world.

The apparent lightness of Stefani aCalesini's fairy-tale language is a veil, which covers theoretical and experiential contents in the vast field of communication and human functioning. Content experienced first hand.

The Fairy Tales for Curious Princesses and Princes in this book are chapters of an autobiography written in fantastic terms, proposed to facilitate observation and awareness.

It is emotionally intense work, accompanied by the trust that personal awareness becomes a gesture of love for oneself and for one's loved ones, and at the same time an act of happy care towards the human community and the whole world.

Centering, observation, listening, language and analogical resonances are the ingredients/tools of fairy tales and invitations to reflection. A creative method proposed here as a game, an adventure.

“If you find it suitable, take advantage of it. If you like it, take advantage of it. If it bothers you tolerably, take advantage of it."

It is also aimed at counselors and therapists who can use it to accompany people on this journey.

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