La Purezza: una qualità spirituale dell’essere umano Fontana Editore

Purity: A spiritual quality of the human being

Nicoletta Geniola

How many times have we heard about purity? How many times have we stopped to reflect on the true meaning of this word?

Today there are fewer and fewer occasions and contexts where we can talk about purity. If we refer to chemistry, the pure substance has a constant composition, it cannot be separated by means of the classic physical separation. A pure chemical substance is to be considered as such when it maintains its original characteristics unaltered and unchanged. By mixing more substances together we will give life to a mixture, which results in an impure substance, modified with respect to the starting point. What happens to chemical substances, also happens to human beings.

We are all born pure, but this purity is hidden and denied to us from the time we are newborns. Religion, culture, deep-rooted beliefs and education implement a “mixture” of conditioning that alters, modifies and transforms our original qualities. The most important quality of the human being is purity and as such it can be defined as a spiritual quality. The Human Spirit includes our intellect, our emotions, our creativity and originality. It is the Spirit that provides us with the unique ability to understand and comprehend. Purity is the vital essence through which a being fully expresses himself, in full freedom and authenticity. It is through freedom and authenticity that the human being takes responsibility.

Preserving purity is possible, if one learns to preserve the vital essence since childhood. Purity has also been altered in its meaning, as have many other terms that have ended up becoming reinforcements of conditioning and limiting “educational mixtures”. Often associated with physical purity, this term has been widely used in the religious sphere, to relegate man to the concept of impurity. This in my opinion has been one of the worst evils of history that has led men to always repeat the same mechanisms of judgment that divide man from the body, from the Spirit and from God, therefore from the One.

As soon as a child is born, he is judged impure and for this reason baptized through an infertile ritual that imprints purity in the consciences of human beings as a mere goal to be deserved and achieved. We are judged to be unworthy of purity. Judgement becomes the parameter on which all the unconscious choices of individuals revolve, unconscious because most of the time they are actions chosen by others. It is through this parameter that pure thought is lost, allowing it to be contaminated by the thoughts of others.

This is what most adults do when they educate children: they choose what they should think, how they should think and why, trampling on their purity and originality. A pure action comes only from a pure thought. A pure thought is a thought that thinks and not a thought thought. This is why we no longer know how to think. The child does not judge, and this does not mean that he does not think, it means that he retains the ability to be perfect in his imperfection.

It is precisely when we stop judging the imperfect as imperfect that perfectibility manifests itself, the only truth that we can all experience. The intent for which we are born is to love and be loved unconditionally. This type of love presupposes that a great deal of purity, that is, uniqueness and unrepeatability, has been preserved and preserved. We are genetically programmed by the Universe as unique and unrepeatable beings. Our thoughts are uncontaminated, our words are clean, our feelings are noble and our actions are true. From the moment we are born, our spiritual identity is completely supplanted by the personal one that others build ad hoc for us, relegating us to their cultural, religious and social expectations. The child, ending up identifying with the expectations of the adult, loses his vital energy which is an indicator of the purity of his spirit, ending up completely extinguishing it as an adult.

Through expectation, the child is educated to develop impure thinking, that is, self-judgment that will negatively influence his entire life. Judgment is that thing that distances oneself to become something else. We have forgotten a very important fact: man, before being human, is a spiritual being and contains within himself the characteristics of the divine, therefore he is perfect as he is. Man has become so accustomed and "educated to judgment" to the point that being judged and judging is a normal fact. Today the opposite is not normal.

It is good to remember that when something unnatural becomes normal it is impure, because it changes its initial qualities. Judgment is not a normal thing, it is an invention of the impure mind of man. The tablets of Moses among the "commandments" also remind us of this. Religion first and educational institutions later, from the family, to school and finally to society have distanced man from himself, from his purity and naturalness. They have distanced the human being from the truth. The family, from a sacred, conscious and responsible cell, has transformed into a mad cell, capable of damaging itself and others. In the climate of apparent psycho-emotional balance of many families, today's children, in a different dynamic from those of yesterday, find themselves unconsciously suffering the ignorance of a highly toxic energetic environment.

Today many adults claim to educate without having purified their energy, their thoughts, their words and their actions. They believe that to educate a child it is enough to blackmail him. A pure child is a child who is not blackmailed, manipulated or conditioned. When the vital energy of a child is repressed then also his purity disappears. Believing that purity is something far from oneself is, in my opinion, a sign of great ignorance. In order to truly progress both on the spiritual and material level, man must know himself, his spiritual qualities.

Progress is not keeping up with the times, fashions and scientific discoveries, but rather keeping up with oneself, with one's own experiences and with self-discovery. We can no longer entrust the responsibility of our existence to others, much less entrust our life and our values ​​to those who use them to dominate us. By doing so we will lose our purity which is an expression of our authenticity and we will make our children lose it too. Poor knowledge of oneself and of one's origins, this is the problem of modern social evil. Man ignores that before being the son of parents he is the son of himself and therefore of the Cosmos, an intelligent organism that works to organize and guarantee harmony in life through life.

From this great living organism, man inherits various spiritual qualities, among which the most important at the base of all the others are: wisdom and purity. Man is a microcosm of infinite possibilities that become possible when they are left free to manifest themselves as they are in their real nature. The nature of man is not only human, but also spiritual and for this reason it is an unalterable nature. Not knowing oneself means entrusting one's life to others, letting them build a personality with which we end up identifying, losing sight of our true identity and altering our real nature. This is what unconsciously happens to a child when he is forced to rely on the unconscious education of the adult.

An adult who knows himself and knows the truth of things is a pure, uncontaminated and, most importantly, uncontaminable adult. A child does not know himself, but can learn to do so only if the adult in turn recovers his purity and spiritual wisdom. Purity is the zero point, the perfect origin of all things, it is the beginning that coincides with the end. It is the deepest and most satisfying meaning around which all human existence revolves.

Purity is a simple thing that should not be taken away or added to.

Purity and naturalness have something in common that is very rare in adults: authenticity. That is why I believe that it is necessary to re-educate adults rather than educate children, especially parents, because they are the ones who have the power to really change things.

Nicoletta Geniola

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