La Riemergenza Morfogenetica del Sapere Fontana Editore

The Morphogenetic Reemergence of Knowledge

Fabrizio Piola

I also share on this CCBlog, for the few Italians of superior intelligence to that of the oceanic audience that watched the San Remo festival - and who are also my dear friends - this post, already published on Esoteric Knowledge and Occult Science to stir up some healthy reflection in the lair of Hocus Pocus… Furbus. The Morphogenetic Reemergence of Knowledge .

I want to know, learn to see things like this. Always. All of them.

No substances are needed. No doctrines, rituals or words of power. We slip into the Dreamtime that runs parallel to our apparent life. And then out. in and out, and then in again, like children playing on the riverbank. The First Nations of Australia have always known how to do this. We in the West have a pale surrogate that we call Tarot.

There is not only reason and the frontal lobe to decrypt sensory impulses and understand them, thus creating knowledge.

As in Ericksonian or Rogerian therapies, if we park the left hemisphere to do what it likes most, that is, to analyze by zooming in on the detail, and instead converse with the right hemisphere, hovering above it and holistically broadening our gaze to the limits of nothingness, until we glimpse - finally - the Whole, the Plurimal One, surrounded by mysteries, as grandfather Pythagoras told us excitedly and dreamily, and at a certain point we ask him what came to him while he was floating in the Dreamtime or in any "other" shamanic string inside the belly of Being, we will have other answers than those given to us by rational logic - which is only a function of our very limited brain in a very limited space-time.

How can we call a Cathedral what we see with the expert's gaze, which is only half a lower lateral hinge of one of the seven doors!

When the extended mind comes into contact, without mediation, with the Morphogenetic Field and with the deep vibrations that CREATE and maintain this Universe in Being, then SILENCE, dance, koan, meditation, ecstasy, trance, sensory displacement by heretic saturation or total hallucinatory deprivation, tarantulism, obsessive rhythms, mantras, formulaic poetry, music and singing, dream, theater, magic, sexuality and a thousand more, are all ways to question it and obtain unimaginable answers about Who we are, where we come from, where we will go next and what we are here to do all together. Here. Now.

Paradoxically, Science should be thanked for its complementary and confirmatory nature of the assumptions I speak of above.

In fact, its rationality, which is expressed in an appropriate episteme for each branch, demonstrates and confirms, with plenty of evidence, electronic scanning photographs, formulas, theoretical models, interpretative paradigms of reality - beyond any reasonable doubt - that the WISDOM that appears to have ALWAYS BEEN MORPHOGENETICALLY IN US, when it re-emerges into awareness and physical manifestations of thought, once the morphic environment and the silent Junk-DNA of each of us have been activated and vibrate synergistically, is a TRUE KNOWLEDGE. If Science does not claim to represent all the true and only possible knowledge, then I no longer see any opposition or rivalry. Everything goes and works in the same single direction: humanity goes towards Tiqun Olam.


Tarissa King - ANCESTORS

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