Relazione educativa per i genitori della nuova era Fontana Editore

Educational report for parents of the new era

Rocco Fontana

Rocco Fontana Editore interviews Nicoletta Geniola, author of The Pedagogy of the True Child and Valerio Sgalambro, pedagogist and author of the preface to the book.

In this book, the author illustrates a new pedagogy , as a life project aimed at bringing real changes in the educational relationship. The work is aimed not only at parents of the new era and those who are thinking of becoming one, but at all those who intend to live their relationship with themselves and with others in a responsible and conscious manner.

The pedagogy of the real child makes a notable contribution to the educational debate, between Instructivism and Constructivism. The author's ability to focus attention in favor of enactive theory compared to previous didactic visions is characterized as a rejection of mind-world and subject-object dualism: her conception of the educational process recognizes the relationship of mutual specification and co- emergence of the subject and reality together, in other words the relationship between parents and children.

In The pedagogy of the real child, Nicoletta Geniola's ontological exegesis goes beyond the limits of the cognitive, to the point of stating that: "A child is not just a child, he is much more: he is an informed field" . Here a dimension opens up that is closely related to quantum physics and, as can be seen from the text, reading explicitly takes us back to the BioQuantic epistemology of being. According to this vision, the universe is shared, the dichotomy between observer and observed, between matter and energy, between creator and creature, between adult and child, loses its meaning.

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