Una scuola per l'Anima. Prima parte Fontana Editore

A school for the Soul. First part

Sarah Maria Tagliabue

An educational proposal per the children of the new Era. My dream is about one Revolution. Of a silent and loving revolution. Indeed, it talks about people who want to let themselves be revolutionized, to accommodate the evolutionary leap that the Masters expect from our planet and, above all, from its inhabitants.

So what should we do? How should we act? One might wonder.

I think the point is that we don't have to act, but just abandon ourselves to something bigger that will act for us.
We just have to avoid putting up any kind of resistance.

Feel the change; young people already have it in their veins. It is from them that the Revolution it will start.

Let's focus on them. We give priority to their training. We spend time, money and energy on this goal. If we start educating the souls of children today, in thirty years we will be guided by Enlightened politicians, defended by valiant Warriors and advised by Wise people.

Think of a world populated by people who take full responsibility for what happens to them. Who grew up escaping the game of duality and who therefore know that there is no out there, that everything is within consciousness. Think about it. Almost all of our problems would vanish, especially on a civic and political level.

I address teachers, educators, instructors, coaches, therapists, professors, anyone lucky enough to spend time with children and young people, but, above all, parents.

The children are not ours. We simply decided to welcome souls who chose to walk with us to evolve. In this sense, the choice is an honor, but also a burden: it is our duty, in fact, to give them everything they need for their soul development, which certainly also includes the development of the physical, emotional and mental body.

Giving them everything they need also includes giving them freedom. Sometimes it's the hardest thing to recognize.

Not the freedom to stay late at night because they want to go to the disco with friends. It is the freedom to follow one's vocation in order to realize the plan that God has for them. Or, simply, the freedom to listen to the voice of one's soul, even if this means seeing them go away one day, far away, to follow the path of the Heart. We will watch them from afar with tears in our eyes, but with joy, for the Self they have achieved.
These will be the children of the New Era.

Think about it.

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