Conte di Saint Germain. Il libro perduto e ritrovato Fontana Editore

Count of Saint Germain. The Lost and Found Book

Rocco Fontana

One day I had a doubt that the image I had in the study of the Rosicrucian Master Count of Saint Germain , and that I had taken from the web, was not true and I threw it away. The next day my companion and I went to sit on the bank of the river and shortly after I saw a cloud in which the count could be seen sitting in an armchair and holding a sheet of paper in his hand. I told my companion to look and, strangely, she only saw the armchair.

We returned home and I put the image back in its place. As soon as I did so, for a few seconds the count entered my body (of what substance it was made I do not know) and I was happy. One night, a few days later, I saw on the ground, in a dream, an old book, forgotten, with the cover where there was neither author nor title.

During the following days I had the impulse to write, knowing full well that it was the author of that book who suggested it to me, and, day after day, I took notes. The lost and found book had been "written" by the Count of Saint Germain , Master Rosicrucian. And here I present to you what I wrote:

Dario Athena

  1. Precept: Believe in yourself.
  2. Precept: Life is God, if you believe in life God will help you.
  3. Wisdom comes from God who is in You, not from men, unless they are inspired by God, but be careful and leave judgment to Him who is in You.
  4. God is only a word that indicates an unspeakable Mystery for imprisoned man.
  5. Without power, will can do nothing. Power used by desire is the catastrophe that imprisons man.
  6. A living or inanimate body is a power. A living body formed by inanimate bodies moves the animate and inanimate matters of the various planes of existence that form a single plane animated by the life of God.
  7. Man is a power of God when his will is that of the Supreme. But first he must be freed from prison.
  8. All sacred symbols that unite one with the Powers of the Eternal, when they fall into the windowless prisons of the powers of desire, are used and corrupted to counteract good.
  9. Man has been put in prison for rebelling against his Father who is the Truth. In it he lives in a world of illusions of power and this is his penance. Truth is Love and Harmony is its goal. Where there is light now man sees darkness, and where there is darkness man sees light, and this is his condemnation. Where is salvation?
  10. Demons were created to torment man and it is man himself who generates them.
  11. The prison is built by the misuse of thought and imagination. The cage is the personality.
  12. Everyone seeks good but if they are not interested in the good of others they produce evil. Evil does not exist but only disease, which is an organic social imbalance.
  13. Man receives ideas from the higher world of archetypes or from ideas inherent in nature mediated by instincts. The latter direct him in common life and give him stability in life. However, if the archetypal ideas of the divine world are mediated by narrow and egoistic minds that seek power, they become his damnation. The animal behaves correctly according to nature, but the man who has the gift of intelligence, if he follows the animal path and not the divine one, becomes a demon and is ruined.
  14. When you think you are, Who are you at that moment? Is it the mirror looking at you or you looking at the mirror? The mind is the mirror, in the mirror the images are reversed.
  15. They use good to do evil and are convinced they are right.
  16. If you do not know the limits of your mind you become its prisoner, and then Who will help you?
  17. It doesn't matter what you conquer and what you own, but what you become. It doesn't matter if you know everything about the universe, but only if you learn to love.
  18. What is Life? Life is the access to Self-knowledge through objectivity. What is objectivity? It is the Field of experience created by the subjectivity of God, which is Objective and Subjective, a paradox that the human mind cannot understand until it reaches wisdom. Objective and subjective are the two branches of the Tree of Life that exists in timeless eternity and endless space. This the human mind can only intuit but not understand. The index finger and the thumb are born from the same hand, which is one for them. If the thumb and the index finger touch each other forming a circle, each creates a small self-consciousness through contact and together they form a circle that is the symbol of OM, the sound of the Father that fertilizes the Great Mother. The divine breath passing through this circle forms the manifestation. God is Father and Mother, and our consciousness is the Son that participates in Their infinite Life.
  19. Life leads to self-consciousness, which in order to subsist needs the continuity of objectivity maintained by the Great Mother. Objectivity leads to experience, which, through suffering, frees itself from the useless waste of selfish desire and can therefore reach wisdom. What is wisdom? It is pure knowing without the intermediation of the mind that must be silent and submit to the Self. Wisdom is the progressive remembering of what we truly are and where we come from, and shows us the way to behave harmoniously with the objective Being, which is also subjective.
  20. The smallest atom is as important before God as the greatest Universe. What is above is as what is below, and all are part of the One Life. All corresponds and all is One.
  21. It is useless to talk so much about God: if we discover who we really are, we will know who He is. How could a man know the Beauty of the external world if It were not within him? But it is not easy: not everyone perceives It. Furthermore, we are never what we believe we are. We must find the common thread to get out of the labyrinth. To do this, you must first begin to love the simple and normal things in life and live according to the Nature that lives in our moral conscience. Use common sense. What is common sense? It is the natural sense of life that God gave us to make us happy. But if you lie to yourself, you will get lost in the labyrinth and in the end the monster, which is you, will eat you. Pray!
  22. You cannot expect to improve others and society if you do not first improve yourself.
  23. The hater needs the hated, the dominator needs the dominated, the oppressor needs the oppressed, to feel important. There is a close and indissoluble bond between them due to the game of roles. Parts that continually alternate in the wheel of life, in the great prison. Freedom consists in not hating, in not dominating, in not oppressing. And if one is hated, dominated and oppressed, virtue consists in not hating and not envying the oppressors; in doing so the vicious circle is broken and the door to freedom is opened. The hater cannot exist without the hated, nor the oppressor nor the dominator, because they are all one side of the same coin. Love each other! This is the medicine. To love means respect for the lives of others and mutual collaboration.
  24. This is the way to find God.

Dario Athena

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