Intervista a Alessia Susani: Pecore Nere Fontana Editore

Interview with Alessia Susani: Black Sheep

Rocco Fontana

Black Sheep, stories of humans outside the fence is a work that travels with lightness and intensity in the sea of ​​thought outside the choir ; they are stories of humans outside the fence, it is the voice of those who have not been hypnotized by the media, which through media manipulation impose a single truth, that of the system.

Never like in this period, marked by the pandemic and the contraction of our freedom, have politics and the economy shown their true face, without any shame, in the light of day. Every comparison is denied, freedom of opinion is dead. Due to the obsessive bombardment, individuals have convinced themselves that advantages correspond to freedom, having lost contact with the authentic freedom of their own autonomous, creative and discriminating thought. It is precisely the advantages that enslave them. However, not everyone is asleep.

The protagonists of Alessia Susani's book find themselves perhaps halfway between the confines of the universe of linear time and the boundless space of the eternal present. They are adults who play at life, who are not bored, who do not complain, who are looking for what satisfies them deep down, attracted by an ideal of truth, freedom, justice and beauty, whatever the cost. They are authoritative voices, who clearly reveal the hidden plot. They are courageous human beings. This book talks about it sincerely.

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Interview conducted together with FUCINALCHEMICA

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