La liberazione dai limiti della condizione umana Fontana Editore

Liberation from the limits of the human condition. Quotation

Tzur Trevi

"Liberation from the limits of the human condition or, for example, from suffering, ignorance, selfishness, bitterness and the fear of death cannot be resolved by faithfully adhering to any historically configured Revelation, which is limited, daughter of time and transient by its nature, as are the Men who produced and announced it. And above all because every Revelation collected in Sacred Scripture is a mad thing that assigns sacred, and therefore insurmountable, limits to What is the One Unlimited Entity. "


Liberation occurs only and when there is the overcoming of Dualism. Only and when there is the complete abandonment of our own individuality and when we finally overturn the separating perspective proper to religions.


If you are one who declares himself a Monotheist - whatever this expression is used to mean in a social and fictitious way a belief that is always and only personal and particular, even if you don't realize this - you will never know, through this, liberation. any. Because you have replaced with Faith the necessary process of approaching the Truth that is accomplished only through Reason, with which the Journey begins, followed by the opening and then the opening of the heart to the primary feeling of the Divine Presence, and therefore by the annulment of the small self to intuit in super-conscious form the Great Self and the fuire of its Existence within your non-existent existence and within that of all that is not that is part of the Being.


It is not a Monotheist you have to be.

But Theomonist.

You are not the term of comparison to which Existence can be referred, there is no value in affirming that you believe in one God, whatever this "believing" and this "God" may be for you.

The only purpose of your existence would be to reach the absolute awareness that God, or the All, or the Nothing is the Only Existence.

It alone is the center, the origin and the end of everything. It is not your flesh alone that reveals it to you. It is not your mind alone that can trap it in its limited forms. It is not the reason that will make you see it with its partial and elementary evidences, nor will it be the irrationality in its chaotic whirlwind that will remove the veil. You will never experience, while you inhabit your body, the complete union of the lover with the Beloved, the one that alone will make manifest the Essence of the One, which is Love and Compassion. It is not an event that you will be able to experience here, but it is rather a realization of the Supreme Contemplation of truth, in your human condition, to which you can and must strive.


This contemplation, which is not understanding, prepares you for the perfect Union that will follow your wedding with eternity and will show you how in your life the Love of the Beloved can only manifest itself through You if not as Love for his Creation. o Infinite unfolding of Existence, which is Continuous and Eternal and of which you are actor and procurator in its name. Live accordingly.


Peace therefore be upon You.

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