La scienza della sabbia intervista a Valeria Menozzi Fontana Editore

The science of sand interview with Valeria Menozzi

Rocco Fontana

The science of sand. Geomantic divination manual - dialogue with the author Valeria Menozzi.
Divinatory techniques are not primitive means of communicating with one's unconscious, but true forms of culture, intertwined with the history, philosophy and religion of the peoples in which they are widespread. Becoming an expert in divination requires time, dedication and faith.

The soothsayer, who guesses nothing at all, deduces and translates the language of the Psyche; he is an initiate, a person who has traveled a profound introspective path to be able to connect with the Lords of Fate; he must have made the immense knowledge of the ancients his own to put it at the service of his contemporaries. This is why these divinatory techniques are defined as Arts: it is not enough to practice them and know the technique, you need to dedicate yourself to them. As with all forms of art, they must be safeguarded, studied, preserved and disseminated so that they do not fall into decline.

Geomantic divination is the oldest divinatory art in existence. It not only offers effective responses, but testifies to the knowledge of ancient peoples, their spirituality, poems, stories, legends. Geomancy puts us in contact with the deep layers of our soul, where the archetypes that populate the collective unconscious of our species reside.

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Interview conducted together with FUCINALCHEMICA

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