
Piccolo bignami di sopravvivenza interiore - Leonardo Anfolsi

Small internal survival cheat sheet

My reply to a dear friend who added to her very welcome Merry Christmas also an honest “Free Palestine”… My answer: until the world is not free ALL , therefore...

Small internal survival cheat sheet

My reply to a dear friend who added to her very welcome Merry Christmas also an honest “Free Palestine”… My answer: until the world is not free ALL , therefore...

Alla scoperta del Sussidiario dei DevAnimaLi - Daniela Bongini

Discovering the DevAnimaLi Subsidiary - Intervi...

The DevAnimaLi Handbook is much more than a book: it is a luminous guide to rediscover the dialogue with nature and with our most authentic self. Through the messages channeled...

Discovering the DevAnimaLi Subsidiary - Intervi...

The DevAnimaLi Handbook is much more than a book: it is a luminous guide to rediscover the dialogue with nature and with our most authentic self. Through the messages channeled...

Autodeterminazione: Un Diritto Fondamentale per Sé e la Società

Self-determination: A Fundamental Right for One...

Self-determination is not only an individual capacity, but a right recognized at international and national level. It allows each person to live consciously, exercising their own freedom of decision in...

Self-determination: A Fundamental Right for One...

Self-determination is not only an individual capacity, but a right recognized at international and national level. It allows each person to live consciously, exercising their own freedom of decision in...

Il fascino eterno delle Sirene: intervista a Erato van Doe

The Eternal Allure of the Sirens: Interview wit...

Erato van Doe, mysterious writer and artist, explores the soul of Sirens in the photographic book Sirens, created together with photographer Dido Fontana . This unique project is not only...

The Eternal Allure of the Sirens: Interview wit...

Erato van Doe, mysterious writer and artist, explores the soul of Sirens in the photographic book Sirens, created together with photographer Dido Fontana . This unique project is not only...

Chirologia! Oggi incontriamo l'autrice Erika Luzzi

Chirology! Today we meet the author Erika Luzzi

Let's continue with the interviews! Today we meet Erika Luzzi , author of the book "Getting to Know You Through Your Hands. Practical Guide to Modern Chirology", a book much...

Chirology! Today we meet the author Erika Luzzi

Let's continue with the interviews! Today we meet Erika Luzzi , author of the book "Getting to Know You Through Your Hands. Practical Guide to Modern Chirology", a book much...

Gli Esoterini. Oggi intervistiamo Sarah Maria Tagliabue

The Esoterini. Today we interview Sarah Maria T...

Today we are interviewing Sarah Maria Tagliabue , one of our prolific children's authors, who has written three books for our “ Gli Esoterini ” series, suitable for children aged...

The Esoterini. Today we interview Sarah Maria T...

Today we are interviewing Sarah Maria Tagliabue , one of our prolific children's authors, who has written three books for our “ Gli Esoterini ” series, suitable for children aged...