
Tendenze di lettura in Italia e in Europa: I temi spirituali e di introspezione nella comprensione del mondo

Reading Trends in Italy and Europe: Spiritual a...

Let's face it: not all publishers can boast a selection of books that truly open the eyes and the soul. We at Fontana Editore can, and we don't say this...

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Reading Trends in Italy and Europe: Spiritual a...

Let's face it: not all publishers can boast a selection of books that truly open the eyes and the soul. We at Fontana Editore can, and we don't say this...

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Il grande incubo algebrico, intervistiamo Ferdinando Santoro

The Great Algebraic Nightmare, We Interview Fer...

Here is the interview with our author Ferdinando Santoro, author of "The great algebraic nightmare", an interesting conversation about the essence and themes of his book. Santoro is a young...

The Great Algebraic Nightmare, We Interview Fer...

Here is the interview with our author Ferdinando Santoro, author of "The great algebraic nightmare", an interesting conversation about the essence and themes of his book. Santoro is a young...

Il dono del cervo. Intervista all'autore Alex lo Vetro

The Gift of the Deer. Interview with the author...

The Gift of the Deer is a book that I would define as “synchronous”. It arrived, as a proposal, in my mailbox, shortly after my personal interest was attracted by...

The Gift of the Deer. Interview with the author...

The Gift of the Deer is a book that I would define as “synchronous”. It arrived, as a proposal, in my mailbox, shortly after my personal interest was attracted by...

Sport & meditazione. Lo stato di flow

Sports and Meditation. The State of Flow

It is well known that the practice of meditation produces a stable change in the perception of reality. As our awareness expands, in fact, we become capable of grasping more...

Sports and Meditation. The State of Flow

It is well known that the practice of meditation produces a stable change in the perception of reality. As our awareness expands, in fact, we become capable of grasping more...

Eros mistico: gli insegnamenti segreti della tradizione indù

Mystical Eros: Kamasutra, the secret teachings ...

Love Manual The Kama Sutra is an ancient Indian text usually attributed to Vatsyayana, a philosopher who lived in present-day Bihar, eighteen centuries ago. Many believe that this work is...

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Mystical Eros: Kamasutra, the secret teachings ...

Love Manual The Kama Sutra is an ancient Indian text usually attributed to Vatsyayana, a philosopher who lived in present-day Bihar, eighteen centuries ago. Many believe that this work is...

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Chiedetevi a cosa serve la bellezza - Turiel Trevi

Ask yourself what is the purpose of beauty?

Shakespeare said: “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” So, it would not exist as an objective quality, but would be the result of a subjective construction of the...

Ask yourself what is the purpose of beauty?

Shakespeare said: “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” So, it would not exist as an objective quality, but would be the result of a subjective construction of the...