Arte e Tarot, un innovativo percorso di arteterapia Fontana Editore

Art and Tarot, an innovative art therapy path

Paola Marchi
Art and Tarot, an innovative art therapy path

The idea of making a course that combines Art and Tarot was born from a deep inner need: that of transmitting my personal experience.

I don't think it's up to me to talk about the things that happened to me, I think instead it's my job to give a constructive meaning to the discoveries that allowed me to find new keys to inner understanding.

We are going through a difficult phase as human beings, we are witnessing more or less consciously the collapse of a reality that we consider monolithic, we need certainties. But these certainties struggle to hold up and the resulting crisis is there for all to see.

I believe that making Art, in its highest meaning, is committing oneself, committing oneself to a cause, putting one's talent at the Service of something useful, positive and beneficial, following the principle contained in the Tarot according to which: "nothing for me that is not also for others" .

It is from this reflection that the project of organizing experiential weekends was born, which combine Art and Tarot , the two pillars of my personal journey.

Entering the artistic dimension means rediscovering a part of oneself that has too often been suffocated and repressed to the point of disappearing, transforming into its opposite and generating states of anxiety, loss of interest, discouragement and lack of self-esteem.

Accompanying on an inner journey to discover hidden treasures, with the luminous guidance of the Tarot, is for me an adventure and a privilege that I am proud to be able to undertake, thanks also to the collaboration of a careful and sensitive person like Rocco, a friend before being an editor , a soul on the move and a lucky encounter.

In the first appointment we will talk about the Sixth ray or the Ray of Love .

Art therapy

Love is a vibrational frequency, if we want to use a language borrowed from astroparticle physics we could say that Love is matter at a higher vibrational level than what we are commonly accustomed to recognizing. As matter, it follows its own particular manifestation that is well described in the Tarot. Experiencing Love in its true manifestation means facing a test that promises to transform us profoundly. Love is impersonal, its reflection in matter is decidedly distorted, this is why talking about love is always very challenging.

Art (and art therapy ) is a channel of opening towards unknown worlds, of which we know nothing or little. Using Art as a door to access the part of ourselves that is less considered, means having a real experience of a new way of perceiving reality, it also means meeting ourselves deeply, knowing ourselves in order to understand ourselves, in order to try to resolve ourselves.

Paola Marchi

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