Intervista a Rocco Fontana Editore Fontana Editore

Interview with Rocco Fontana Editore

Leonardo Anfolsi

The beautiful interview that Leonardo Anfolsi Reiyo Ekai gave me on the motivations that made me undertake this editorial undertaking and on its developments and purposes.

Come and discover the behind-the-scenes story behind creating a successful publishing business! In this informal interview, publisher Rocco Fontana opens up like never before and shares his motivations, exciting developments and engaging goals of his project. Get ready for an engaging chat and an authentic discovery of a creative mind . Don't miss the opportunity to be part of this exciting editorial adventure, click now to watch!

HARPOCRATES - “Dialogues on spirituality” edited by Leonardo Anfolsi and Bruno Corzino.

And don't forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel >>>

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